However, this is not to say that you won’t be able to find good drugstore primers, or that I don’t buy any high-end cosmetics-I’m just saying if I have to pick, I invest in the base products. I believe that splurging on base product (such as face and eye primer) is more important than the actual makeup products themselves. Using an eye primer will ensure your eye shadow stays put. I know one thing for sure-when I put my eyeshadow on in the morning, it will look exactly the same as when I take it off at night. You can even wear it alone to smooth your complexion, but I prefer to wear something over it (even if that means a light BB or CC cream). This primer fills in large pores, is lightweight, and blends easily to create a smooth surface for whatever face makeup you choose. If you’re willing to splurge, a classic favorite is Benefit’s Porefessional Primer. It also does a great job of prepping my face for foundation and keeping my makeup in place!
My current favorite is Farmasi VFX Pro Camera Ready Primer, which is actually great for ALL skin types! You can’t beat the affordable price and I love the smooth, silicone texture of the primer. I tend to get oily later in the day (especially during the warmer months), so I will often go with a mattifying primer, which keeps oily skin at bay. There are different kinds of primers for different skin types and needs. Face Primerīefore you put on your face, you must put on a base! If you think applying primer doesn’t make a difference in your face makeup, you are WRONG! Primer is vital to make your face makeup look smoother and last longer. I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. As tired as you may be by the end of the day, you will still look oh-so-fabulous by the time you drag those tired feet into that bathroom to take your makeup off and wash that face (which you WILL do each night!) See my post on skincare rules for moms here. I’m going to share some key tips and products that will change your makeup game. So how do you continue to look like a BOSS while you’re killing it as Supermom? Prepping and setting, my friend. Now, I know that not everyone shares my affinity for a glam face, BUT if you wear any makeup at all, you know that as a hard-working mom, it may look as if your mascara has melted off of your face by the end of the day. No-I don’t do it because I think I’m unattractive, or that I need makeup, I do it because I find the process of applying makeup to be relaxing and therapeutic and it makes me feel good.
I love makeup! I can be found decked out in a super-glam, full face of makeup, pretty much every day. It’s true that when you look good, you feel good. Whether it’s throwing on a little mascara to open those tired mommy eyes (and try to hide the fact that you only got 4 hours of intermittent shut-eye the night before), or some concealer to cover up that pimple from the hormone roller coaster you’ve been riding, makeup allows us to feel a little better about the way we look. Makeup has the power to make you feel AMAZING.